New Mexico 2001


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PH, DJ at BandelierNM Photo by Dorothy Metzler Aug2001

PH near Pajarito Ski Area Photo by Dorothy Metzler Aug2001

Peggy and Diane at Bandelier
National Monument

Peggy trying to take a picture of us (Pajarito Ski Area in background)



DJ near Los Alamos Photo by Dorothy Metzler Aug2001

Fire damage-Los Alamos Photo by Dorothy Metzler Aug2001

Diane trying to photograph the
fire damage near Los Alamos

Fire damage in the mountains
above Los Alamos



Harebell Photo by Dorothy Metzler Aug2001    NM wild flower meadow Photo by Dorothy Metzler Aug2001    Rocky Mtn Bee Plant Photo by Dorothy Metzler Aug2001

northern New Mexico wildflowers

Horsemint Photo by Dorothy Metzler Aug2001Trail scene near Taos Photo by Dorothy Metzler Aug2001




Link to Banff Trip 2001:  September 2001 trip to Canada


Link to Canada Birds:  Photographed September 2001 in Calgary, Banff and Yoho NP areas


Link to Michigan-Minnesota Trip:  Birding the Northwoods -- June 2002


Link to East Coast Trip:  South Carolina to New Hampshire, September 2002


Link to New Mexico Trip 2003:  August 2003 trip to northern New Mexico


Link to Palo Duro Canyon 2003:  August 2003 trip


Link to Photos Page 1:  Photos of friends and family


Link to Photos Page 2 Events of December 2000 and Spring 2001


Link to Photos Page 3:  Family photos -- 2001


Link to Photos Page 4:  Another flood in December 2001



This page last updated May 03, 2009
Copyright © 2001-2007.  All rights reserved.


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