Flat Stanley's Adventures


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Flat Stanley's Adventures

Flat Stanley Visits Grandma & Grandpa



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March 16, 2009

On Monday I arrived at Grandma &
Grandpa's house.  I looked around
the garden to see what was blooming.

I climbed high into the dogwood tree.  The sun
was warm, and the tree was full of white flowers.

Grandma's cat scared me.  I thought
she was going to bite me, but
Grandma rescued me just in time.





March 17, 2009

On Tuesday I went to work with
Grandpa.  He fastened me in with the
seatbelt and we drove to the office.

This is the candy machine at the office.
I think this would be a good place to work.

This is the water cooler. After
eating all that candy I was thirsty.





March 17, 2009

March 17, 2009

March 18, 2009

Then I took a break in the break room.

Grandpa gave me a shamrock
for St. Patrick's Day.

On Wednesday we went to the park.





March 18, 2009

I tried to ride the tricycle but my
arms and legs are too short to
reach the handlebars and pedals.

That night we all went to Shogun for
Sam's birthday.  It was lots of fun,
with lots of yummy stuff to eat.

I've had a great time visiting with Sam's Grandma & Grandpa, but now it's time for me to slip back into the mailbox and head off for another adventure.





This page last updated February 21, 2010.

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